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To register for the event, please go to and select Fall Coronation and Crown List from the drop-down menu in the Event Name field.


There is no field on the ePay page for the cabins, so if you are purchasing cabin space, please put that information in the notes so the ePay deputy can create an accurate invoice for you.


Two Days: $25
Day Trip: $20
Feast: $15
Tent Camping, Two Nights:  $20
Autumn Leaves from Flyer.png
The site has five small cabins (10 beds per cabin) and one large cabins (15 beds) available for the weekend.
***Individual beds are not available.***

All cabins are first come first serve. 

The five small cabins are $450.00 (per cabin) and the large cabin is $730.00.  Prices are for the full cabin for both nights.
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